(A mostly boring post, but skip to the end for some fun if it gets to be too blah blah blah...)
I have mentioned it before, about the insane number of roommates I have had. My current count is 83. Seriously, thats more than worth an honorary PhD in living with people. In fact, I challenge you to find anyone that's lived with more people. That's right, I put it out there, now start counting.
But I'm not complaining. Don't think for a second that I have regrets or grievances about my roommate experiences. And just because there are a few experiences I wouldn't choose to relive doesn't mean they didn't have just as much value as those experiences I would relive. In fact, I think my top ten worst roommate experiences taught me and shaped me more as a person than the entire sum of my good roommate experiences. And now is not the time and place for me to list those things, even if many of them have been running through my head for the past couple of days. I'm not worried about any type of character defamation, since those roomies that might be offended by such a list would have no way of finding my little blog. In fact, everyone who could find this page fits into my "positive roommate experience" category. Even if I don't for them.
And that's where things get interesting. I know there are a few roommates out there that would qualify me as a "worst experience", and I apologize to them and thank them for having put up with me as I was learning and growing. I know there are roommates out there who might even put me in the "best experience" list, and I thank them for the patience they had with me and the benefit of the doubt that they gave me. And maybe I'm just a clueless person when I say that 95% are the roommates I have had are people that I would be willing to live with again, since I know that 95% of them don't feel the same way about me. But this is all becoming very statistc-y sounding, and we know how I feel about statistics. So let me say this in another way.
I have learned so much from my repertoire of people. And when I meet new people, I can easily recognize similarities to former roommates that make it easy for me to talk to them or relate to them. I know that no two people are alike, but I know there are personality traits that are common.
I wish on a strange sort of level that I could get all those roomies together and let them meet each other. And some of them would recognize "that one" or "the other one" that they have heard about. And I could say "You have to meet this one, because she taught me this, and if she hadn't, we might not have been friends". Now I know this would be truly boring for most of them. But then some of them might really like each other. And others might really hate each other. And that would make it very exciting indeed.
And all of this is coming up because as I was sitting in rehearsal tonight I was thinking about two different roommates who came at close to the same time in my life. Both of them are musicians, sopranos, that I really enjoyed connecting with. We bonded over arias and art songs and hymns and music theory troubles. But we didn't really get much of a chance to sing together. Which is probably better, knowing the diva-like tendencies of sopranos. Maybe that's why we were able to be roommates and friends. One of them is in choir with me now. I am so grateful that she is there, even if we sing in different sections and hardly see each other, there is comfort in knowing that a familiar and friendly face will wave and smile when I need it. She has my back, she'll be my friend, and she'll make fun of me only in the most loving way when I screw up. The other is gone now. We won't get to sing together and have each other's backs or wave like maniacs from across the room (even though she would have been the first one to do so, in any situation). But at the same time, I sort of get the feeling we are singing together anyways. Because if the angels sing along with any earthly choir, its the one I'm in now.
Aaand there's where I get a little too emotional. So we'll end this entry with a little fun, because making jokes is how I cope.
83 roommates also means that there aren't many roommate stunts that I haven't pulled. Think about it, the fun times in college you had, doing ridiculous things with your roommates. I don't know why more grown ups don't have fun like that. Sometimes I hear my sister talk about late night roommate experiences and I really want to say "I did that too!", but I don't want to spoil her moment to be the goofy fun college student with crazy roommate stories.
Too bad tonight, though, because I need it. I need to relive a few of the best stunts and roommate moments of my career. So here goes:
*There was the year that "Santa" brought us all leopard print bras for Christmas. I don't know how Santa managed to find all our bra sizes without going through our underwear drawers, but he did. And so we put them on (over a t-shirt, under a sweatshirt, modesty first, we were at BYU after all) and ran to all the other girls apartments and flashed them.
*Late nights at the grocery store, because of one very strange boy who had no concept of how to strike up a conversation, we spent a whole year going to food for less and buying one banana plus a bag of bulk candy, and trying to make it total $1.47. The game ended when one of us succeeded, but it was all sorts of fun while it lasted.
*Breaking into 212 in order to steal back our TV. Oh, and all of their spoons, just for retribution. Spoons, you ask? It was well reasoned. What is a college boy's main dietary staple? Cereal. Try eating captain crunch with a fork.
*Speaking of Spoons, Spoons. And people that are the best at spoons. Or spooning. And sentence to picture. and coming home to general conference reruns on a movie sized screen at 2am.
*J, the narcoleptic friend, who fell asleep on the stairs, mid-race to the kitchen for ice cream. I kid you not. And the story is even funnier if I could tell it to you in person, because it involves the words "Thunk thunk thunk"
*Spiders that drop from the ceiling. Not fun initially, but the retelling involves all sorts of jumping and screaming. It never gets old.
* Mattress sliding.
* Only the greatest Roomie "Road Trip" of all time, ten days in Paris.
* The Bern-mobile, and wondering if a geo metro could make it up some of those hills in Provo. Good thing it was a stick shift.
* Remember when he said "I'm reading a book that night"? Yeah, that's still burnt into my memory. What would I have done without roomies...
* Making bread. Too much of it. And cinnamon rolls. And cookie dough. And all the late night talks that can happen with a good batch of cookie dough.
* Getting a hotel room for a weekend, even if its just in a neighboring city, for the escape.
*Facials, hair dye, boy bands, Michael Jackson's Thriller, and hairbrushes for microphones. Some things are timeless classics.
*I can think of more than a few practical jokes, involving everything from BYU catering services, Mary Kay ladies, and onions to name just a few.
* Four wheelers, farms, farm boys, and boxing gloves. Combine them for an evening.
* The time we found out I sleep walk. 'Nuff said.
* Too many bridal showers to count.
* Movie escape days. Two or three movies at the dollar theatre, some olive garden in between, and maybe some shopko candy to keep you company
* And speaking of olive garden, ordering specialty drinks like virgin strawberry daquiris when you are out with roommates.
* Or staying home and ordering in. Pizza, soda, and the 6 hour long Pride and Predjudice with Colin Firth. There is no better way to spend a reading day.
*Discovering how many hiccups it takes before a case is considered chronic. THen counting them.
*That night that "The Birds II" was on at 2:00 in the morning. And due to an inexplicable case of insomnia, we all watched it.
* Stealing particularly amusing advertisements off the walls of local community colleges.
* There was this one semester that none of the 6 of us slept in our own beds once. It was always out to the living room or camping out in one of the bedrooms. The one night someone did try to sleep in her own bed, everyone else just piled in there with her. I believe this is where the line "I'm Twisted, Sister!" originated.
*The pink mumu. And the album of pictures we filled with every member of the BYU 188th ward wearing it. As a graduation present, of course, because what makes a better memory than having picture of that one boy, the one you never got up enough nerve to ask out, wearing your Pajamas. She complained that her pajamas had been missing for the whole semester, but I'm convinced it was worth it.
* Finally, last but not least, too many inside jokes to count. Whether they are related to TV shows or posters we had on the wall or dumb things people said, or smart things they said, taken out of context. I could spend the rest of my life laughing simply from the words I hear around me that remind me of one of those moments.
And I should spend the rest of my life laughing. Because like I said, who else in the whole wide world has been lucky enough to have 83 roommates? 83 insane, smart, clever, funny, admirable, strong, beautiful, cocky, catty, trying, terrifying, sassy, amazing, admirable, wonderful witnesses to my failures and successes.
I'm pretty sure it's just me.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
Thanks for the smile. I've only had eight roommates, but I'm thankful everyday you were one of them. :)
I know I keep saying this but you need to write a book about your roommate experiences, only change the names to protect the innocent.
Remember when those upstairs girls put our beds in the unfinished laundry room? What did we do to retaliate? I can't remember now.
Oh, and guess what! I was going through some things and found your Phenomenon soundtrack CD. Remember you lent it to me for my wedding video. I swear I thought I gave it back to you! Did I? If so, I really have no idea how I have another copy. Anyway, send me a msg on FB with your address and I'll mail it to you. SO SO SO SO SORRY it has taken more than 6 yrs. That's so embarrassing. Anyone reading this should know that I'm usually very good about returning things. Sorry Nancy.
Okay, one more thing. Remember the time we called the police because we were certain someone was trying to get in the house through the back door?! Which roomie was it that was playing the joke on us? Was it you?!
I think I was only your roommate for like, two days before I got married. But I hope I made an impression by spending the better part of one of those days in a towel! (lol, I don't even remember why, probably waiting for some laundry to be done.) I remember you laughed at me. I hope thats memorable enough to count me! :)
You were an awesome roommate! I didn't have too many of them, but I loved every minute of living in the girl's house. :)
I always love your room mates posts. This one really made me smile. And cry. What you said about angels singing. I bet she is, too. Oh poor dear J. I seriously thought he was faking it. And I think we re enact the spider down teh shirt thing weekly at our house.
I'm trying to be quiet in my study room but this was SO funny that I laughed out loud a few times. Whoops! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!
That was fun thanks!
And the tigers named Albert and Edward.
I think the book idea is an excellent one. The title could be simply, "83 Roommates."
I'm sure you could find someone at least close to your roommate record among prison inmates. ;-)
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