Friday, June 5, 2009

This is getting old

Well, the blog posting thing was interesting, since I couldn't see anything for about 12 hours, on my blog or anyone elses, then it came back up for a few hours before the internet at my house shut down completely. Grrr. That's not the first time Qwest just stopped working for us, and whenever you get a technician on the phone they treat you like you are the idiot. So we told them to just shut it off, and we're switching to comcast. My internet is down until Monday. I am typing this at work, which never leads in a positive direction. It also means I don't particularly want to post any of my real thoughts or decisions, because I'm afraid to consider them in this environment as well as because I don't particularly want any of my co-workers to read about the adventures in my mind. So this post is brief, simply designed to inform you that I am making decisions, I am moving forward, I am more than these people give me credit for or allow me to be, and I am not a glorified babysitter. (I just had to get that last one off my chest, since it seems to be coming up a lot lately.) I do have yet another new roommate, and I am not so sure about how that will all turn out, but it was the only option available to me in the time I had to consider moving or finding someone or negotiating contracts or whatever. But again, since I am typing this at work, take my perceptions with a grain of salt. Hopefully Monday I will feel more like chatting! (Ha! Is it futile to hope for a good day on a Monday?) Philosophize until I return...

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