This post is not about politics or presidential nominations. I make no secrets of my political affiliation. But this post isn't about politics. It does not reflect my vote, my stance on healthcare, my beliefs about homosexuality, or any other topic that you could debate or hate over.
The fact is, Mitt Romney is a Mormon and he's getting a lot of press. And a lot of that press is about the fact that he is a Mormon. I can't log onto facebook without seeing listings of the articles my friends have read. (Side note: I do not want facebook telling the world what articles I read. Sometimes I read celebrity trash. Sometimes I read politically charged stuff. Sometimes I read geek stuff. Whether it is embarrassing or smart or opinionated, I do not want my browsing announced on my facebook feed. I am always trying to delete this info from my feed.) Some of the articles I see about Mitt and Mormonism are positive, some negative. There are people out there using this as an opportunity to express hatred, hurt, acceptance, and every range of opinion about Mormonism.
I don't like that my faith is being used for political gain. or loss.
But here are my thoughts on Mitt as a Mormon: He is representing well. He's not a crazy-pants preacher who spouts over the top religious pretenses as a platform. He is doing a decent job at acknowledging his fatih (unlike Huntsman, who practically denied it when questioned) and then pressing forward with his poitics seperately.
I'm glad for that. I'm glad that he's representing in an even, sane manner. None of this Michelle Bachmann attempt to evangelize the country. He's not calling on mormons for a vote, he's not raising "mormon" issues, he is normal.
And so the opinion articles and hate that is there (which have always been there) get more press time, but they don't have a leg to stand on.
In fact, if anything, they are creating more dialogue and more exploration. Wouldn't it be interesting to be a mormon missionary in the US this year? Whether you are getting love or hate or curiosity, you certainly are seeing less indifference.
I'm interested to see how closely the press watches general conference this year. It will certainly be analyzed in april if the nomination hasn't yet been decided. And will other candidates risk losing the evidently powerful mormon vote by attacking doctrines taught at General conference? Say someone like Newt uses General conference to attack Mitt and subsequently gains the GOP's nomination. How many Mormons will that send running to a new party entirely? Its not that far-fetched. Then again, say Mitt gains the nomination. How closely will october general conference be watched and reviewed by the press? One month before a presidential election, you can bet that reporters will be wanting to exploit what the religious leaders of one of the candidates have to say. And if something "controversial" comes up, will Mitt continue to stand by his faith?
And if Mitt gets elected, will the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing at his inaguration?
OK, that last question may be more selfishly motivated. :)
But do you see where I am going?
I am glad for the discussion. I am glad for the microscope. I don't want my religion trivialized by politics. But if political climate means people examine my religion more closely, I am certain that it can withstand. If Mitt can continue to represent the religion in a decent, sane manner, people will take note.
Frankly, its free publicity for mormons. And I guess that sums up my stance on Mitt. As long as he remains a mentally stable rich guy who wants to be president and lives his controversial faith, I'm glad for the publicity.
PS. Comments are great. But don't post here if you feel the need to correct me, educate me, or debate me. I'm not interested. I form my opinions by reading official statements by candidates and parties, not by listening to propoganda. And I still haven't told you who I'm voting for, so don't assume anything either. This post was about religion, not politics.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
Great post. I just discovered yesterday in my Facebook privacy settings that I can tell those news reader apps to only allow me to see what I am reading. That way, I can still read whatever I want, but nobody else can see it.
Well said. Agreed. It'll be interesting to see what repercussions come if he wins the election.
It is nice to see him stay true to his faith, and yet at the same time keeping it distanced from politics.. I'm glad he does not use it as a tool to get votes or sympathies.
I hope you don't mind I follow your blog! I really enjoy your writing. :)
I feel the same way about the Facebook news feeds. And Mitt. He hasn't embarrassed himself terribly thus far and he's done a good job of balancing his personal life with his political life.
What bugs me most about him is not really his fault. It's when LDS people want to vote for him just BECAUSE he's Mormon. They don't bother to look at the issues at hand or think about what they want out of a leader and size him up against that. They just want to put a big stamp of approval on his forehead because he's like us. Maybe I should save my rants for my own blog.... :)
I'll vote for Mitt if that means that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir will sing at his inauguration!!! :)
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