Monday, March 5, 2012

Unexpected Woes


I have the most ridiculous problem in the world.

I really need to lose a few pounds before conference (it’s the raspberry dress, which we haven’t worn since before Christmas, see).

And maybe that’s not so much a unique problem, because you see, most of America could stand to lose a few pounds. And I certainly know what steps to take.

Like refusing the extra slice of Lemon Merengue pie last night. Which I did.

And maybe getting off my studying butt and walking or running a few times a week.
Which I have been trying to do.

And it’s been beautiful out, so taking a walk seems like such an easy, lovely thing to do.
So what’s the problem, Nancy?

Oh, I’ll tell you.

I have a wonderful ward neighborhood. (Still not a problem…)
No, seriously, they are the kindest most loving and giving ward ever. (Quit bragging and tell us your problem Nancy.)

Every time I try to go for a walk, someone in my ward offers me a ride.
I’m not kidding. And of course, I’m too prideful to say “no, I’ve just gained 10 pounds since Christmas that need to come off before April.” So instead I have to smile and wave, pretend like I didn’t hear, or even make up a destination, then walk home from wherever I have them drop me off, taking a different route home and praying that no one sees me.

The thing is, I’m torn. If I tell them to leave me alone, then when my car really does break down and I really do need rides places, no one will stop and offer. They’ll just think “That Nancy is so dedicated to the choir, she is always walking just so she’ll fit into her dresses.”

May be I need t-shirts made. One that says “Poor college student with crappy car, give me a ride.” And another that says “fat girl exercising, leave me alone”


Ally said...

Well that IS a pickle.

Haha I totally want a "fat girl exercising, leave me alone!" shirt!! Let's make them!

Katie said...

Basically I love your blog and you make me laugh. And you refused a cookie and Saturday, and I'm proud of you. And I'm going to pray for you to fit in your raspberry dress because I understand the pains of not fitting in those amazing dresses. Also, you should win the lottery so you can come to Hawaii.

susan m hinckley said...

hahahaha -- sign me up for a shirt as well, Nancy! But NOT for anything resembling a raspberry dress...