What a nasty day.
I was so ready for it. My backpack was ready for classes. My snack was packed for just before work, my change of clothes for work was already in my car. I pressed the dress for the concert tonight. I woke up with enough time to shower and get ready and eat a good breakfast and get to school in time to get a decent parking spot.
But just as I woke up I realized I forgot to print off an article and opinion for my Poli Sci class.
Whatever. I can print it off before I go out the door. Not a big deal.
When I got out of bed I realized the dress had fallen off the hangar in the night and gotten all wrinkly.
I'll just have to press it again.
Getting out of the shower I was putting on my earrings and one of them fell down the drain of the sink. Sad. Normally I wouldn't care, seeing as I generally spend about 75 cents on a pair of earrings. But this is my all time favorite pair. I got them from Anthropologie with a gift card from some of my bestest roomies ever. I was not going to let that earring go the way of dead pet goldfish.
I scrambled for some sort of a hook deally to fish it out, but the more I dug, the farther it fell. Finally I had to pull everything out from under the sink and pull apart the U-bend.
I cannot describe here the disgusting things that came out of the U-bend without putting some sort of a violence rating on my blog. Let me just describe to you what it reminded me of. We used to go swimming/water-skiing on the Rainy River (US-Canada Border). Nobody has any idea how deep the river actually is, because try as you might to dive or drown, you could never really touch the bottom, or at least anything solid enough to be called the bottom. The sludge just sort of got thicker and thicker until eventually it actually sucked you in. I never really allowed myself to sink that far, because right about the time I could feel sludge tickling my knees and my foot movement slightly restricted, I wanted to wretch. That is about the consistentcy of the stuff that came out of the U-bend of my bathroom sink.
So gagging and plugging my nose, I sifted through the silt until I found the earring. Which I then sanitized.
Now I was running short on time. I turned on the iron and grabbed a bowl for breakfast food and booted up my computer. No internet. Its been sketchy lately, I think something is wrong with my wireless router. Great. No time to panic or trouble shoot.
I iron the dress, grab my computer, and run out the door to head to class. Just as I am opening the door to my car, the sprinklers turn on, soaking me, my dress, and my laptop.
Lovely start to a day.
I'm blogging this from stats class, because I don't understand a word of whats going on, and every time I ask a question, the teacher ust says "well, we did it that way because thats the way it is, the formula says to put it there."
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
oh! :( What an awful way to start the weekend. I almost gagged at your description of the river/sink sludge too. yuck. I'm glad your rescue was successful and that your laptop still works. There must be opposition in all things, so maybe all this just means something good is coming your way. Like maybe statistics will be dropped from the mandatory course schedule, and all the students currently taking it can just audit it. :)
oh nancy. that is awful. but think about it this way--your sink pipes will certainly thank you for cleaning them out! i bet it will run so much more smoothly!
and wrinkly fabric is in for this fall.
and your earrings could always use a good sanitization.
boo for stats!
I can so relate! It seems like the days that I plan the most for and think I'm the most prepared, life just lets me know that there is no way that I can be in that much control. I usually let it get to me and give up. But you didn't so I applaud you!
Oh, yea, remind me to tell you about a time that I had to get a ring out of the U bend of the upstairs sink for Julie. It's priceless
You rock! That sort of start to your day and you went to class. Boo to the teacher who doesn't bother to explain the answer to a legitimate question. Negative points on his teacher evaluation!!!
I am sorry that you had such a bad morning! I hope your day got better!
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