I want to keep this brief.
I am a democrat.
I am not stupid.
I am not a socialist.
I am aware of the strengths and weaknesses of BOTH candidates.
Are you?
The point of this is not to convince anyone to join me. It is to invite you to be smarter about whatever party or candidate you support. Think for a moment about President Barack Obama and Governor Romney. Can you identify strengths and weaknesses in each of them?
If so, good for you. Quit reading and go back to whatever you were doing with your life.
If not, you are frankly underinformed. These men are neither gods nor devils. Neither of them are wholly perfect nor wholly evil. The moment you start to believe so is the moment you are buying into propoganda and no longer thinking for yourself.
I shudder to realize that most of our political system is determined by who comes up with the most clever or entertaining or appealing propoganda.
Start thinking. Weigh the issues. Choose according to your thoughts on economy, foreign policy, healthcare, welfare, education, abortion, gay marriage, and any other topic you find important. But do not choose according to the pictures your facebook friends post, the things stated by either fox news or jon stewart, or whatever your professor/parent/roommate thinks.
And most of all, stop throwing insults at those who think and choose differently than you. This is America. The most un-American thing you can do is restrict another's right and ability to think and choose for themselves.
Don't roll your eyes at me for stating my thoughts, especially if you asked for them.
Incidentally, I can still get a temple recommend, even if I vote for the not-mormon guy. And I do know a few LDS girls who have gotten married in spite of their democratic party affiliation.
And while we are on the subject of the stupid things people say, please oh please recognize that when you say stupid and uninformed things, you do more damage to your own party. Like the kid who announced on facebook that if President Obama got re-elected, he would move to Canada. Seriously? You are worried about socialism and you think Canada is the place to go? By being either stupid or mean in the name of a certain political party, you make the party look that way by association! Just look at the damage Rush Limbaugh did to his own party with his "slut" comments. Although, I do wonder if he isn't a clever plant from the Democrats, winning intelligent people to the other side every time he opens his mouth. I'm not saying anyone is stupid for disagreeing with me, I'm saying that if you say stupid things, you make a case for the other guys.
Here's a guideline: Instead of saying mean things about others, promote your own candidate by being positive. It makes you look smarter and happier.
Oh and one last thing. President Obama is the President. He is not Obama and he is not Barack. Governor Romney will get the same due if he becomes president. But for now, his title is governor and I respect him as such and call him by that title. Let's try and at least maintain some propriety. (Come on, you know me well enough to know that I don't call for propriety that often.)
I am constantly telling people I have smart and amazing friends. Don't let the political season make me question you!
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
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