Monday, September 29, 2008

Naked Mole Rats and Hot Wheels

Before I even get into this, I thought I should share with you a photo of our bathroom. The one for my classroom, not my house. This bothers me for a number of reasons. First, the obvious, community feeling of the whole thing. Second, the fact that for some reason everyone here is OK with the mixed gender of it all. That's right, boys and girls making waste in the same undivided facility. Maybe I should be more liberal, but when it comes to potty time, we should maintain the gender apatheid. They all sit there and discuss their various waste processes, and I think it should stop. How can I teach them that bathroom humor during meals is inappropriate when their bathroom experience is a public one? Third, the smell. need I clarify that one? Fourth, picture this: Three little boys, standing in a row, bared butts to the world, chatting and swinging their bodies around to talk to their friends. I really struggle with this set up.
On to the meat of this. I am in my classroom now, we are settling into our school routine, and I need to share a little of that life with you all. Of anyone on the planet, a four-year-old will come up with the most brilliant one-liners you have ever heard. and I have collected some of my favorites from the past year or so. Here are the things I hear on a day to day basis:
-Dr Seuss? He's MY doctor!
-Oh my gosh, my boyfriend totally loves hot wheels
-I live in Africa, there's naked mole rates all over the place!
-That was DEEEEL-yummy!
-You don't have a baby sister? That's ok, ask your mom and dad, they can make one for you.
-Mr. Dan, you stink.
-Hey, Mister Nancy?....
-Ariel's bra broke, so we had to throw it away
-Can I bring some germs to school? At my dad's work they grow on a plate.
- I always get cold after I pee.
- I love Star Wars! I am going to be Tard Spader for Halloween
-You don't have to go to work anymore, because you are expired.
-Teacher: "how did Michelangelo paint the ceiling?" Student:"He had rocket boots!"
-Child 1:"I am going to marry my daddy"
Child 2: "You can't marry your daddy, he's already married to your mommy"
Child 1: "People get divorced"
Child 2: "God says you will go to Hell if you get divorced"
Ahhh, wisdom from a 4yr old. although to be fair, I have included one of my own gems of wisdom from my childhood. Can you guess which one came from me?


Holly said...

It's so good that you write these things down. I love the things kids say. I have no idea which ones are yours, please tell us. Yeah, I agree the bathroom situation is weird. Aren't you living in Utah? Emma's preschool was super strict about bathroom privacy. Door closed, one person at a time, no talking about what you did in the bathroom.

Jess said...

The preschool I taught in was the same way, very weird. We did have parents complain, so we tried to switch it to only boys at a time and only girls at a time. That made me feel (a little) better, but now that I have boys, I think even that is a bad idea. Boys are far too interested in sharing potty humor to be in the bathroom together.

Jess said...

I just have to point something out:

The first thing you see on this post is a toilet, which is humorous considering the name of your blog.