I consider myself a not so dumb girl. When it comes to cars, I can usually manage and logic through things. I mean, I'm no "Handsome Tom", but I can change my own oil, tell you how a transmission works (automatic vs manual) describe what an alternator does, and diagnose a few ailments based on past experience and basic physics. My dad made sure his daughters were at least competent in maintenance practices. That is to say, he taught us to recognize brake squeaks and where to pour the various fluids when things were running low. If we acted interested or in need, he even showed us how to replace brake pads and discs and how to put water in the battery. I may be the only one of his daughters that took him up on that extra stuff, but it's good stuff to know for a couple of reasons. First, there is actually less panic when something goes wrong with your car and you have an inkling of what it might be. Second, it's easier to look smart in front of mechanics who like to take advantage of dumb girls. Third, it's easier to flirt and keep up with the boys in a car conversation. Most of all, I like to think it helped build at least a little of a relationship with my dad.
So the current radiator issues shouldn't be a super big deal, right? I mean, first of all, I know its the radiator without having to ask a soul. Second, I know how to fill the reservoir so that I can keep driving safely without destroying my engine while I save up for the $600 repair that it will probably be. (I'm thinking its the pump, but there is a slow leak somewhere in the system that only leaks when I drive) I know that I'm not destroying the engine because I recently replaced the thermostat and its in good working condition, allowing me to monitor engine heat and blah blah blah car crap talk.
Of course, Independant Nancy (one of my many personalities) won't ask anyone for help or even an opinion on it until she is good and ready to, and since I don't currently have any questions that I can't answer myself, I don't have any plans to ask for help.
Today, among my many "Day Off" tasks was to purchase more radiator fluid and do some maintenance and investigation. I filled the reservoir, I ran the car for a few minutes, then I let it sit for a while, in order to investigate if the leak was happening while parked. Nope. So my next task was to drive for a block or two in order to check just how much it was leaking while driving. I waited until dinner time and made a run to the Wendy's on the corner for some 99cent chicken nuggets. I returned home and popped the hood to check out the levels of fluid. Seriously, two blocks, and I could see nothing in the reservoir. Perhaps time to panic?
Who takes over in Nancy's brain at a moment like this? Does Independant Nancy team up with a voice of reason and pause to consider things? Does Sane Nancy meet up with cynic in order to formulate how much repairs will cost? Does Spiritual Nancy say a prayer while SuzyUtah calls her home teachers to ask them to come bless the car? Nope.
From nowhere, Dumb Girl pops her head out, reaches out her hand and takes the radiator cap off.
It was my Fourth of July Fireworks in flourescent orange liquid, all over my driveway. Because two blocks of driving in 85 degree heat is in fact enough to make your car's radiator fluid boil. Which is also why I couldn't see any in the reservoir. Because it was boiling. And then it was spewing out all over. And the neighbor guys across the street were, I'm sure thoroughly enjoying my dumb girl moment.
Whatever. All I could think at this point was if there is that much stuff still in there, then the leak can't be too bad!
And instead of being mortified by my moment of stupidity, I was relieved. Now haven't I grown as a person?
PS. Jessica, Tom is absolutely not allowed to read this post.
PPS. Contributions to the "Fix Mathilda's Radiator" fund should be made out to Nancy.
PPPS. I don't think dad should be allowed to read this one either, but I feel safe that he won't.
PPPPS. So maybe I am a little mortified.
PPPPPS. I just wanted to see how many Post Post Scripts I could add.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
Yeah, Tom doesn't read my blog, so I wouldn't worry.
I, too, took advantage of the extra stuff. Kinda ironic that I would care to learn car stuff, isn't it?
I would love to contribute to the Fix Mathilda's Radiator fund, but my money is all going to the Fix the Caravan's Onboard Computer fund.
I would laugh, but I'm too worried that you got burned by boiling radiator fluid.
We put a hole in ours a few months ago and it cost $500 to replace. I hope you get off easier than that, but Mathilda is a good car, she'll pull through.
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