One of my professors is made of pure awesome. I'm not kidding, I totally have one of those elementary school teacher crushes. Not like the one I had on 6th grade Mr Fleischaker, who was dreamy and had lovely blue eyes. No this is the "I wanna be just like Miss Laura when I grow up" kind of a crush. Where teacher can do no wrong and I'll bend over backwards to get all my work done and hope and pray that she likes it, and if she doesn't its because I have failed her and I need to try harder next time. I want an A in her class, not because I want to get all As and have an amazing GPA, but because I want her to like me, to think I'm smart, and to be pleased with every bit of homework. Did you ever have a teacher like that? I bet your teacher wasn't as awseome as mine. She works with torture victimes and refugees, she specializes in working with children. She does theatre and sings with the Symphony chorus. But she also played basketball at Duke. That's a big deal. And she's so nice. She corrects people all the time, but you can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy when she does. She doesn't own stuff falsly (like the woman who once "apologized" to me because I made her mad. Heh. Fake apology.) but she tells you when you are wrong and then shows you how to fix it. Sometimes she calls me smart and compliments my writing, and I go around feeling like the whole world is a better place. Other times (like today) she turns in a rough draft back to me with pages of corrections and says "this is a C- paper. You can do better." And so I fix it, and then I feel a little like I could be made of awesome someday too.
Anyways. I noticed her picture on the school website today, and so I clicked on it (I told you, total school-crush) and there's a video of her talking about the psych program. Its an ad, but if you want to see the bestest teacher in the world, you can watch her.
See how she just makes you feel like you can accomplish anything?
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
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