1. Food that looks like other food. Like cake that looks like a hamburger or mashed potatoes that look like cake. Actually, cake tends to be a frequent perpetrator/victim of this trend. I just saw cupcakes on pinterest that were made to look like little pies. They used m&ms to look like fruit filling and frosting to look like a lattice top. The thing is, all of these are yummy, and they even go together, but how about if you want something to look like pie, you make pie, and if you want to eat a cupcake, you eat a cupcake?
2. Collections of quotes by people who have no claim on wisdom, but since their famous and said something succinctly, it must be truth! Again, pinterest is full of this stuff. Its like the phrase "forgive and forget". Just because it is alliterative doesn't make it true! In fact, if you read in the bible, we are never ever once told to forgive and forget. We are commanded to remember and we are told that the Lord will forget our sins if we repent, but nowhere are the words "forgive and forget" stated. Still people insist its true because they've heard it so many times, they believe it must be somewhere in the annals of truth. Guess what. Its not. And George Clooney is not a politician. He is an attractive man, but he made his fame on looks and his ability to memorize lines that someone else wrote. He has no claim on "smart". And Coco Chanel was a rich lady, not a philosopher. Even worse are the memes that don't cite anyone, but if they are cleverly worded, they are repeated as if they reflect doctrine. THINK, people, think!
3. Bullies. No, not just bullies, grown up bullies. I know that children learn bullying from the people (grownups and peers) around them. They do it out of insecurity and they do it because it is a learned behavior. That's not a justification, its just a vision of their path. But adults who are bullies? Sure we all have insecurities, but at some point on our path we have encountered people who are kind, and we have liked those people because they make us feel good and validate us. So why don't we try acting like the nice people in our lives instead of continuing to posture for superiority by being cruel to others. I mean honestly, the tantrums, the eye-rolling, and the insults I have seen coming from one grown-up to another in the past few weeks are simply shameful. This probably deserves its own post. But let's just see if we can't know ourselves well enough to understand why we are lashing out at those around us, and then see if we can be honest and kind instead of mean, manipulative, or playing games in order to get desired results.
I'm seriously so tired of mean people.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
I actually discovered last night that the phrase 'forgive and forget' is endorsed by President Kimball in 'The Miracle of Forgiveness.' It surprised me because the discussion that followed was very, very different from counsel that I have received recently.
I'm familiar with the passages you are talking about, and here's the thing about that. I think people have come up with a perversion of what "forget" means. In every example I see given by Pres. Kimball and every other prophet who HAS used that phrase, they speak specifically to people that want to hold another person hostage for their trespasses against them. Actually, the word trespass can help illustrate this. If you find someone on your property (trespassing against you) you have a right to kick them off. You have a right to call on authorities, especially if they come again. You do not, however, under any circumstances, have the right to tie them up and keep them in your basement, not for any period of time. When we forgive others, the real nature of forgiveness means that you aren't holding them hostage for past behaviors. You are allowing them to learn and grow, you remembering that they have the power to repent. But frankly, if they continue trespassing, you continue calling the cops. People these days seem to think that "forgive and forget" means that they can commit the same trspasses over and over again, and the people they injure are covenant-bound to "forget" so each time, its like they trespassed for the first time. Not so. See the difference? We do not hold people hostage, in our minds or in our hearts. We don't bring up their past hurts constantly, we dont announce our self-perceived benevolence in "forgiving" them. But we do continue to protect our families, homes, and value. There is a big difference between the kind of "forget" that the world defines and the kind of "forget" that President Kimball defines.
Thank you for clarifying that. It should've reconciled in my mind last night, but it didn't, and thats a good way to make the two ideas balance out.
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