For the past two weeks in church people have started to introduce themselves to me. I even hear a rumor floating around about a month ago that I might get some Home Teachers. Either the rumor proved to be false or the Home teachers did, either way, the ward has started to notice me. I'm not complaining. I would rather go and sit in the back row and make my sarcastic remarks to the few people that know I exist and then disappear the rest of the time. I teach my sunday school class of 16-17 yr olds and I sing with the choir and there is one lady who says nice things to me after sacrament meeting every day. That's quite enough socialization for me. But yesterday my back bench was occupied and my gay friend was absent and so I slipped into one of the overflow chairs and some nice little newlywed girl was sitting next to me and she of course had to be the sweetest person on the whole earth and introduce herself.
NWG: Hi! Are you new to our ward?
Me: Well, I've been here for 8 months, so fairly new.
NWG: (concerned look) Oh! Well, I am in the primary, so I feel like I just don't know anyone.
Me: Yes, I understand that. I kind of just hide in my Sunday School Class.
NWG; You look familiar, though. Don't you bring your granddaughter to primary?
Me: (HUH?????????????) Uh, no?... I don't have family here.
NWG: Oh, well, your daughter then? Are you sure?
Me: yeah, I'm sure. I would remember having kids or grandkids.
That's right folks. Apparently I look like a grandma. Now granted, my gray hair count is officially at 4, and my eyes are starting to get a few crinkles around the edges. ("Starting" is a relative term, Emma told me when she was 7 and I was 19 that I had crinkles around my eyes, but that was only when I smiled. Now they are becoming a little more permanent.) But I'm not about to bust out the botox. In fact, St Francis of Asissi believed that we would be resurrected to our 32-yr old state. And where does this girl get off asking me about my grandchildren? I didn't ask her when her baby was due. Although come to think of it, I should have. From now, on, that will be my plan. Ask me where my grandkids are and I will ask you when your baby is due.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
we need to have a playdate - your grandkids and my babies!
like jessie said.
and let it be known that when i first met you i though you were my age. in fact, i still think you're my age.
Aaron and I saw a large group of 18-year-olds at a restaurant two weeks ago. They were all very pretty (and scantily clad), but Aaron crinkled his forehead and said that he didn't find any of them attractive - that they all looked like little girls to him. Maybe to those young ones we look ancient, I don't know, but be aware that you look the right age to those your age.
Remember that amazing grandma costume you pulled off? I double-dog dare you to wear it to church.
I'm shocked! You are always being mistaken for a younger person than you are. Is the girl all there in the head?
I second the costume dare! That would be hilarious!
You are too funny! I love reading your blog!
So sorry to hear this, but I think I can do one better. When I was 12, I went to a book fair and a salesman tried to sell me encyclopedias for my children.
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