Okay, I got tagged. Apparently a few of my family members want to know the answers to these. And since the world wants to know, who am I to withold information?
Lets get the cliche ones out of the way first.
First date?
I was 19. My roomies and some other friends found out that I had never been on a date, so they set me up with "the nicest guy in the ward." And he was nice. So nice that he agreed to go out with me on a date. And we went to a dance in the Wilkinson Center, one of BYU's formals that they hold throughout the year in order to appease the Soul-Mate-Searching Masses. We went in a group with some of his and my Roommates. One roommate had a date that danced every single song, never sat down. He was like the energizer bunny, he just kept dancing. And when she finally said "I have to sit down" He said "OK" and he let her sit while he kept dancing. The other roommate had a date who didn't dance at all. Not once. And my date (who's name, I believe was "Russ") would dance precicesly 3 songs, then rest one or two, then dance three more, etc etc. The advantage of my roomie's misery was that no matter where I was, I had someone to talk to.
First dance?
WHS, homecoming my Sophmore year I borrowed what I thought was a scandalous black dress from my friend (It wasn't scandalous. It was fitted and knee length, which I thought meant tight and short. It was just the first time in my life I wore something that actually fit me.) I wore makeup too. (More scandalousness!) And Eric Hoy asked me to dance. It was quite possibly the only social success I had my entire high school career. Oh, and the song was "Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins. The follow up is that the next day at school Eric grabbed my butt as I was walking down the hallway, so I turned around and punched him in the face. Still to this day I don't know if he was mocking me or trying to flirt. With my social record in HS, it was mockery.
First hand holding?
His name was Jack. We were in a Ballroom dance class together my Sophmore Year at BYU. He wanted to take the extra mini-classes on the weekends, and he asked me to come. Suddenly, in between dance sequences, he didn't drop my hand. He kept holding and I kept letting him. It was very smooth.
First kiss?
On stage: I was 15, we were doing South Pacific. It was supposed to be a scene where I tried to kiss a sailor and the nuns came and broke us up, but one of the nuns (A certain eccentric librarian named Barb) arranged with my sailor (only the handsomest boy in the cast, named Hans, not Heppner) to be convieniently late for her cue. So I sacrificed myself for the theatre. OK, it wasn't that much of a sacrifice.
Off stage: I was 19, he was dating my roommate, after he had already dated another one of my roommates and her sister, we all teased him about stuff like that all the time. He even provided my apartment with a bushel of mistletoe at Christmastime. A bushel is alot of mistletoe. But the kiss was before that. It was on the eve of my 20th birthday. And it was only about 20 months after that that I entered the MTC and discovered that he would be my teacher for the next 10 weeks. That's right people, I kissed my MTC teacher. Or rather, he kissed me.
First time cutting someone else's hair?
Don't think I ever have. Nope, I got nothing on that one.
First night at college?
I was 16, U of MN, summer before my senior year, Sam and I walked around campus a little because Jen was busy unpacking her drug paraphenelia and Carrie was, umm, "busy" with her boyfriend. Yeah, I learned alot that summer about all sorts of biology. I learned about Microbiology (36 page paper on DNA analysis of Flax), and about Wildlife Biology (I can identify every species of bird, snake, and frog documented in Minnesota, and I know their scientific names.), and about Human Biology (Eeew).
First drinking party?
Oh this is a fantastic one. I was 14, my brother was 15, and we were running tech for "The Glass Menagerie" (Tennessee Williams, brilliant. I can still recite the opening monologue.) The final cast party was out on the lake. We went with someone who promised to stay sober, but of course they didn't, and around 2 in the morning we realized that we would have to find our own way back home. We realized this because somehow everyone else in the cast had ended up on a canoe on Lake of the Woods, quite possibly stranded on a rock several hundred yards out. Drunk people and canoes don't mix. Especially 8 drunk people on one canoe. We could hear them, and they sounded fine. Nobody was screaming for help anyways. SO we "borrowed the keys of one of the canoe-stranded inebriates and drove back home. We got in HUGE trouble for being out so late. But I think it might have been worth it when three days later, the car was still parked in our driveway and the woman that we had stolen it from finally came out of her alcohal stupor just enough to admit to my mom that she had no idea where she had misplaced her car keys. And to this I say, theater is an integral part of social development, an experience that everyone should have at least once. Also I still snicker everytime I hear the word "Ajar" as in: "The door is ajar, the door is ajar"
First experience with stuffed crust pizza?
Beth's mom worked for Pizza Hut for a while, so it must have been when I was 10 or 11. Pizza hut pizza is not a significant part of my life. Beth and her mom, on the other hand, were. as well as Papa John's Pizza. Much more significant that pizza hut.
First time driving after getting your license?
I was 21, (got my liscence when I was 19 or 20, didn't really care), my friend was the RS pres and she had to pick up ice cream for a social of some sort, but she also was having big issues with a ward member, so she lent me her car so I could run the errands for her. we drove up 900E in provo, around the bend to 2230 N to Food 4 Less, then back again. Not exciting. (Mom didn't let me drive home after I passed the test since as soon as she got in the car she could smell that the examiner who gave me my liscence had actually been quite drunk.)
First email address?
First barbie?
Still have it. I think I got it the Christmas of the red pajamas in Virginia. She's a classic. Pink swimsuit, gingham skirt, unrealistic breasts.
First name you picked out for your baby?
Suzanne. My best friend had a cabbage patch doll named Suzanne, and I thought it was beautiful. Although we did pinky swear that if either of us had twins we would name them Melody and Harmony. Hey. I was 7. It never once occured to me that I might have to think of boys names too.
Were you ever...
First pick in gym class?
I don't think I have ever even been picked in gym class. Which is a shame, because I am actually a pretty decent volleyball player.
First in your class academically?
When I was in 3rd grade and we moved to MN they didn't have a 3rd or 4th grade reading group that was at my level, so I had to go read with the 5th graders. That was the last academic success I had.
First on the scene of a crime?
I plead the 5th
First on the scene of an accident?
Yes, and one driver had severed their leg almost completely off and it was awful. *suppress, suppress suppress*
What did you do...
First day this week?
Worked, texted most of the evening, ran some errands, blah blah blah. boring grown up exxistence.
First thing this morning?
I said we would never speak of this again, but since you ask, I ran again. My mountains are filled with snow, so the hiking thing is off for a little bit. Don't worry, I will stop running when I can start hiking.
First thing this year?
Pancakes and bacon with Jim and Devin, then on the the hospital.
First thing after graduating from high school?
I believe I went back to bed, recognizing the worthlessness of the pomp and circumastance by sleeping for an entire week before starting work at the window factory for the summer.
Frantic search for a job and a place to live. Panic. Anxiety. Desperate attempt at grad school. Failure on all counts. I'm still hoping for a better "First thing I did after graduating college"
Who is the first person you will tag for this blog?
Whomever wants to play.
Who is the first person who will actually do this?
No pressure. Pikachu, I choose you!
What is the first thing you will do when you are finished with this post?
Crawl into my ever so comfy bed and become unconsious to the world.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
this was fun to read thanks
I remember that dance. It's a wonder we ever went to another one. Was that Dave that kept dancing?
I never did go to another one. Yes, it was Dave, Ditchin' Dave that just kept going and going.
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