Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'll miss you.

Is it tacky that I post this here? Everyone who reads this knows how much I love my Scrabble partner. I don't think it's inappropriate then, to mourn a little here and let you know that I will still be deperately seeking someone to play a few games with, particularly on Sunday evenings. If I corner you and force you into a game, please understand that I am really hard to beat. I have been playing with the best. A genius with words and turn of phrase, he kept us all giggling up through the last few hours. Only the doctors and nurses with the quickest wit understood that everything he ever said made perfect sense. You might think he was talking about cans of beans when there were none to be seen, but my dad and I know that he was referring to "can's" and "been's" that fill our lives and in the end make up the sum to those that knew us. So I'm packing up his "cans and beens" as he told me to, and I'm keeping them until I see him again.
I love you Grandpa.


-Loni said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm so glad you have such fond memories of him and got to be nearer to him these past few months.

P.S. We're having fun with Petrie!

Unknown said...

Nancy ... I am so sorry about your Gandpa (and scrabble partner). He sounds like a very wise man. I wish I was there to to play scrabble with you! It is my favorite game! Curt and I used to play all the time but have gotten busy lately. If your ever in SC look me up and we will have to sit a spell and play!!!

Joe and Rachelle said...

Sorry about your grandpa, and I don't think it is tacky at all to write that! If you want to drive up to Logan, Joe and I play scrabble all the time!

Brittany said...

Oh your grandpa! I'm so sorry! You can come play with us anytime. You know how competitive Bryan is. We may be able to give you a run for your money (ha, that's what I thought when I played you in Boggle too.)

The Wengerts said...

Je suis vraiment désolée d'apprendre le décès de ton grand-père. Vous aviez l'air d'être très proche et ça doit être très dure pour toi. J'espère que tu vas bien et qu'on pourra quand mêmê te voir à Monterey. Bisous!

Carolanne said...

You brought a tear to my eye. I'm so sorry. And it isn't tacky at all, it was a very sweet tribute.

Brenda said...

I agree. Not at all tacky. If only we all had such a close relationship with our grandfathers! I wish I could have known him.

susan m hinckley said...

Nancy, so sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Who can ever fill the shoes of such a marvelous scrabble partner? I truly understand your sorrow and am so glad you shared a picture of him. Love to all your family.

LFP said...

Thanks for writing this.