I figure since I actually wanted to know their answers to these that I would post it in case you wanted to know my answers. Plus, blogging is for talking about ourselves, right?
Where were you 3 hours ago?
At Church. RS to be specific. During which I mostly wrote in my journal and reviewed the SS lesson I had to teach. I listened to the lesson at the same time. I even made a comment or two.
Who are you in love with?
A lot of people want to know the answer to that question. I want to know the answer to that question. The problem is, I'm not sure that I could even tell you what the question means. I love a few people. Some of them with all my heart. I don't want the value of that love being qualified by whether or not it can be labeled as "romantic". The greeks put love into different categories. But I am not sure yet that my God does. Thus far in my life experience, love is love, and like faith it requires an action to sustain it and work to maintain it and passion to feel it and it doesn't matter who I am feeling it for, it is simply love.
Have you ever eaten a crayon?
I have a vague recollection of attempting to chew a purple one once, because someone told be that it would turn my breath different colors when we went outside for recess. I didn't end up eating it, because it tasted gross. And it didn't change my breath color anyways.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
One copy of Fancy Nancy sitting on the shelf just behind my left shoulder.
When is the last time you went to the mall?
The Saturday before Christmas with Ally and Orrin. We found paisley shirts and sweater vests. You can't help but have good times when there are paisley shirts and sweater vests involved.
Are you wearing socks right now?
Still in my tights from church. Cant bring myself to admit that I have nowhere else to be this evening. Soon enough I will get tired of the church clothes and change into pjs and a ridiculous pair of themed socks. Oh, and also, there is a Disney Princess Band-Aid on my heel, where my old tennis shoes suddenly began cutting into my foot.
Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
Hmmm, it looks like the current bluebook value is $3,700. Not bad actually.
When was the last time you drove out of town?Well, I drove out of the town I live in on Monday, but I didn't return until Weds morning.
Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
Ha! Like there is time in my life for that! I seriously considered going to the movies yesterday, but there was just too much to do.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
I am drinking a glass of milk right now. it does a body good.
What are you wearing right now?
Church clothes still. One of my favorites, a black cuordoroy skirt with a damask print on it, knee length, an black V-neck top to match, dangly earrings, a CTR ring, the previously mentioned tights, and various other unmentionables that I have every right to conceal from my readership.
Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
Depends on the time of year, the feelings of my heart, and the cash in my wallet.
Last food that you ate?
Right now I am eating a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk and some M&Ms.
Where were you last week at this time?
At Mubba's apt, awaiting the arrival of a 12 passenger van containing all of my family members who were not already sitting at Mubba's apartment with me. There were some very strange children's prgrams on TV and I was attempting to avoid learning the irritating songs by pulling up tv shows on hulu. It didn't work. Hot dog hot dog hot diggety dog.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
New glasses, new socks, and a scarf. I do so love accesories.
When is the last time you ran?
Friday morning. Both as part of my job (so it was brief and in a playing manner) as well as part of my personal excercise efforts. Although to be clear, running for personal excercise only occurs in the very dark of the early morning, so that nobody is able to witness the attempts I make. And they will never be spoken of again, do you hear me? Never.
What's the last sporting event you watched?
It occurs to me that there have been some BYU football and basketball games on in the vicinity of rooms I have been in lately over the past few weeks. But I could't pin my finger on one. I don't personally have TV, so the last event I actually watched was live, a Real Soccer game back in October.
What is your favorite animal?
Huh? Does this even matter? Am I 4 years old? Who cares. No really. I can't even think of anything funny to say.
Your dream vacation?
It's all about who I am with. I would still love to see Machu Picchu, or Angkor Wat, but it's all about going with someone who wants to experience it the same way I do. Explore, learn, search for evidence of eternal truths in ancient cultures and civilizations, all without a stuffed shirt tour guide telling me what to think. I still want to spend some time visiting a third world country, since I had hoped that's where I would go on a mission. Not that I'm complaining about Paris. I love Paris. But now I have been there and I can't go back as a tourist or as a vacation. Plus, what I really want is a vacation from the pressures of our society. Which is why I think a "vacation" doing some sort of service work would be wonderful. I'm not tired of work. I'm tired of the money-grubbing and the social expectations and the performing in order to get something I don't really want like someone elses approval or a promotion or a sale. Does that make any sense at all? I want to go on a vacation in order to really work at something I actually want.
Last person's house you were in?
Grandpa's House, just off the highway in Salem. Where I will never play scrabble again. Thanks for bringing it up.
Worst injury you've ever had? Could be the time I slipped after knee surgery and spilt open the scar. Or else the tendonitis, that still plagues me to this day. What's worse? momentary blood-curdling and searing pain of tearing open a barely healed wound or the constant throbbing of joints that curls my hands into a dysfunction of twisted fingers rendering them useless to any keyboard, qwerty or Kawaii.
Have you been in love?
Didn't I already answer this? Oh yes, see "are you in love" Don't worry, I know what the cultural meaning of this question is, and honestly, I don't know. I certainly have thought I was, but age has taught me that what I felt then was nothing compared to the possibilities. And I do love some people. I should probably love more people, but the people that I do love, I am not sure that it is possible to love them more deeply. And I think I might dislike the term "in love" since the image it conjures up in my mind is being trapped in a deep well, with no escape. Alone. Yelling for help. nobody is coming. Wow. I need a therapist.
Do you miss anyone right now? Deeply. And I am still not handling it so well. Particularly not on a Sunday night.
Last play you saw?
HAHAHA! It was Clearfield City's final dress rehearsal of Little Shop of Horrors. And no show was more aptly named. The best part was seeing all my Clearfield theatre buddies. The worst part was having to face the actors and actresses after the show. How do you say nice things to what happened that night?
What are your plans for tonight?
Well, a week ago they were to drive down to Salem and fix dinner for Grandpa, then play a game of scrabble, play some flute duets and some piano and singing, then play another game of scrabble, and drive back home late at night, frantically calling around for anyone to talk to me and keep me awake while I drove. Tonight, I will probably end up watching the fireside online. Even if I am officially too old for the CES stuff, it's something to keep me from busting out the scrabble board and playing against myself.
Who is the last person you sent a Facebook message or comment?
Laura and I have been commenting on a pic I posted of her from the early 80's. She seems to think it was cruelty on my part, but I say that if you actually wore your hair like that then it should be posted everywhere...
Next trip you are going to take?
I was supposed to go to Monterrey CA for a baby blessing this coming weekend. I don't know that I will get to since my work hours have been sporadic lately. I will be very sad if I miss it. After that, to Minnesota in May and probably some fantastic road trip this summer.
Ever go to camp?
YW Camp, once, it was awful and my parents never made me go again. And I will never make my children go. It's just cruelty, it destroys lives, and I am only beinning to heal from it.
Were you an honor roll student in school?
Never. Not once. I don't think I have broken a 3.0 since the 6th grade. And even then it can't count because there were still classes graded on the "S,E,O" system.
What do you want to know about the future?
Absolutely nothing. That is far too risky of a prospect. I would rather know how I am doing for the present. Am I on the right track? Should I adjust a little? "One step enough for me"
Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
I rub a lavendar oil into my hands during the winter in order to keep them from cracking and bleeding. Is that perhaps what you smell?
Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
Dentist sometime in the next month or so. otherwise, I don't go to the doctor unless it is absolutely necessary.
Where is your best friend?
Psh. I don't know. I'm not much for stalking.
How is your best friend?
Last I heard, having a rough week. Just like me. But we got through the respective difficulties, and now we have a new week to face. Hopefully today did both of us some good. Only time will tell.
Do you have a tan?
Actually, my feet still have a faint outline of the shoes I wore last summer. Does that count?
What are you listening to right now?
The CES broadcast, Thomas S Monson speaking. Maybe it will help.
Do you collect anything?
Fun shaped cake pans, books, wisdom, dust.
Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Myself and my Roommate. But since we gossip to each other about people that we don't know, I'm not sure that its very exciting. Mostly just therapeutic. A chance to work it all out.
Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
Back in october, for speeding 38 in a 30. I cried. He didn't give me a ticket.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Doesn't everybody?
What does your last text message say?
"I don't have a white one" Referring to why he couldn't bring his cell phone to the temple.
Do you like hot sauce?
I can live without it.
Last time you took a shower?
Yesterday afternoon. And probably again in about an hour or so. I prefer evening showers.
Do you need to do laundry?
Define "need". There is laundry that could be done, but it won't have to be done for at least another 2 weeks. Because I hate laundry. No really. Hate it. I will iron every shirt in your closet in exchange for someone else doing my laundry. I buy new socks if I run out before I have to do laundry for anything else. I will peel potatoes for a meal to serve 35 before I will volunteer to do laundry. It's quite possible that I am not going to have children simply because a loving Deity would never force one of His children to do that much laundry when He knows how much I loathe doing laundry. I would rather clean public bathrooms. I would rather be sentenced to a lifetime in an RS presidency. I would rather live off of blood sausage and cow's tounge salad. I would not rather move back in with my parents.
What is your heritage?
Some very famous Mormons, some people who killed very famous Mormons, A couple of great Authors, a couple of serious criminals, a lot of crazy people, and a legacy of faith and stubborness.
Are you someone's best friend?
I don't care if I am the best friend, I care if I am a good friend. I can be a very good friend without competeing for the title of "best." It's ok if I am not your best friend, as long as you know that you can always call me when your day has been lousy or when you life seems to be crumbling. I will be sad if I hear that you needed to talk and you didn't think you could talk to me. I won't be sad if I hear that you needed to talk and you found someone to talk to that wasn't me. I will simply rejoice that you have great friends, and that I can be one of them.
Are you rich?
No, and I don't really want to be. It's a burden I don't think I could handle. I would rather be comfortable. I can handle living month to month, as long as I can pay my rent and buy some groceries, maybe with just enough extra for Cocoa or Italian Sodas at Barnes and Noble, and the occasional Coldstone treat.
What were you doing at 12AM last night?
Emailing Scott and facebooking. The insomnia still hasn't gone away.
Mug Muffin
6 years ago
That was a long post full of goodness. And I can't help but sit here on my computer, and you at yours, and wonder why you don't come to our house on Sunday. I can attempt to play you at Scrabble. And you will win. But we can wear pj's and fun character socks! Is it a date?
You know I always call you to talk. You are so much more sensitive to my feelings than the pizza guy. Now all I need is for you to bring some breadsticks with you next time.
PS I'm always proud when I am mentioned on the blog. If all it takes to get mentioned is paisley and sweater vests, expect to see a lot more of them.
I found a place online where you can play scrabble, too. We can schedule scrabble nights via the internet. Okay, not as exciting as Brittany and Ally's offers, but I'm doing my best!
I'm insanely curious what the deleted comment is. Things like that bother me.
I'm also supposed to tell you to accept your membership in the googlegroup. I sent it to your yahoo email.
Excellent! I used to do laundry about once a week, now it's everyday:) There is a pile of pooped and peed baby clothes waiting for me right now!
I've had this question on my mind for a while: do your parents know about the existence of your blog?
By the way, you really have to come this weekend. It wouldn't be the same without you. It would be like missing one of the Three Musqueteers...
Also just wanted to let you know that when my life fell apart a year and a half ago, I only called three people, and you were one of them. I guess I should start calling you more often, also when things are going well :)
Hope to see you soon!
Lucie - Oh, it only gets worse! The clothes may not be poopy, and they may be bigger so they're easier to fold, but they're bigger so there's more of it! :-)
Nancy - I'll take you up on that ironing trade! I don't mind laundry so much, but I only iron when I'm sewing. Can you make it down to SF once a month? :-)
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