Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just a heads up.

I am afraid that if I go in to work today and ONE MORE thing happens in regards to co-workers and boss being unbearable, I will simply walk out, regardless of the fact that I don't have another job lined up. I am, in fact so terrified of walking out and suddenly finding myself jobless in this miserable market, that I am considering calling in sick in order to prevent the possibility. But I have already been out so much that I'm pretty sure I don't have any PTO left.
The bottom line is, I am not only actively searching for a new job, I am frantically searching as if I were already unemployed. I have had fantastic jobs before, that I loved, and I loved my co-workers and we had a great working relationship. I'm pretty sure it's not just me. I enjoy work. I enjoy challenging work. I enjoy working hard. I am happy where I live and I even love the kids that I work with. They are remarkable and smart and well-behaved and it's unfortunate that they have a teacher that is so miserable in her employ. It will probably be better for them in the long run if I get out of there as fast as I can.

Maybe I can explain more later, but for now, I just had to get that off my chest. And I am late. but I couldn't force myself out the door until I told at least someone about my thought process for the morning. So here I go, clicking "publish post" in order to send it out into cyberspace: One preschool teacher, with 7 years teaching experience in all age ranges (Infant through 19 year olds) as well as accounting experience, writing skills, and a Bachelors in Music from a pretty damn good school, available for employ in any environment that will take me. I will work as much as 60 hours a week just to pay the bills, if only you will treat me with a little respect and pretend to be my friend while we are on the clock. You could continue to be my friend off the clock too, since I am pretty fun in social situations, but that would just be a nice bonus. Resume available upon request.


Carolanne said...

You sound really frustrated, so I know it must be bad. If you would consider living in Carbon County, I'm certain you could find a job. Maybe not a social life, but a job anyway. By the way, are you allowed to say 'damn' in refference to that particular school?

Jess said...

The job market is not questionable in some areas, so there is hope. I wish I had a connection, any connection, to give you.

FWIW, I don't think it's you. You've had enough experience getting a long with people, that I'm fairly certain you know how to do it.

Unknown said...

Good Luck!